Monthly Meetings
The Club meets monthly (except for January and July) on the first Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
Location :
Shakespeare's Pizza West meeting room, 3304 West Broadway, Columbia, MO
Upcoming Events
Watch the Club Facebook page for ride announcements!
Outdoor Events Expo - February 22, 2-6 PM at Walt's Bicycle Shop. CBC will have a table there. This is a chance to find details for upcoming paddle events, rock climbing, gravel rides, road rides, criterium, mountain bike rides and a whole bunch more! Click here for more information.
Tour de Stooges - May 3 in Lebanon, IL. Multiple route options, great support, and lunch afterwards. Click here.
MoBikeFed Jack Cass Century - May 23-24, Lees Summit. Street sprints Friday evening and 30-100 mile routes on Saturday. Click here. (Website is under construction.)
Pedaler's Jamboree - Memorial Day weekend, May 24-25. Ride from Columbia to Boonville, camp overnight and enjoy lots of music, then ride back on Sunday. Click here for information.
RAGBRAI LII - The Great Iowa ride is back for the 52nd year! Orange City to Guttenburg, July 19-26. Click here.